
澳门六合彩官网注册登录 0135 Armstrong And Pond Apple Cays|300万好意思金领有两座巴哈马岛屿
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澳门六合彩官网注册登录 0135 Armstrong And Pond Apple Cays|300万好意思金领有两座巴哈马岛屿
发布日期:2024-12-23 02:25    点击次数:159

关怀「岛鸣海外 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」


若是你热衷帆海,那么Armstrong And Pond Apple Cays拒接错过。

If you're passionate about sailing, Armstrong and Pond Apple Cays are an opportunity you can't miss.

Armstrong And Pond Apple Cays位于巴哈马阿巴科群岛,地舆位置优胜。距离Elbow Cay仅20分钟船程,神圣前去其历史悠久的小镇;距Marsh Harbour 30分钟船程,后者行为区域交通要道,提供航班和物质运载。此外,这里距离Pelican Cays国度公园仅5分钟船程,丰富的生态资源恭候探索,是理思的当然探险地。


Located in the beautiful Abaco Islands of the Bahamas, Armstrong and Pond Apple Cays boast an enviable position. Just 20 minutes by boat from Elbow Cay, you can easily visit its historic town filled with charming boutiques and excellent dining options. Only 30 minutes by boat from Marsh Harbour, the region's transportation hub, which provides convenient flights and supplies. Additionally, the islands are just 5 minutes by boat from Pelican Cays National Park, a haven of rich ecological resources and an ideal destination for nature exploration.


Covering a total of 62 acres, these two pristine islands feature seven untouched beaches, each more picturesque than the last, offering ample private space to relax in the sun and immerse yourself in the unparalleled natural beauty. Whether you're enjoying a leisurely stroll along the powdery sands or indulging in water activities, the islands provide the perfect setting for tranquility and relaxation.


The islands come with a natural boat basin, making them a dream for sailing enthusiasts. Not only does it offer a secure berth for your vessel, but it also provides easy access to the surrounding crystal-clear waters, allowing you to enjoy endless water-based activities. In addition, there are multiple building sites on the islands, offering the opportunity to develop luxury villas, vacation cottages, or private facilities, all with endless creative possibilities for your ideal home.

行为投资格局,Armstrong And Pond Apple Cays不仅符合私东说念主度假使用,还具备极大的贸易开拓后劲。不管是诞生糜掷度假村,也曾打造高端私东说念主别墅群,这两座岛屿凭借其独到的当然资源和地舆上风,展现出广漠的发展出路。

As an investment, Armstrong and Pond Apple Cays are not only perfect for private retreats but also offer immense commercial development potential. Whether you're considering building a luxury resort or a high-end private villa community, these islands, with their unique natural resources and strategic location, present enormous opportunities for growth.

Armstrong And Pond Apple Cays是长期产权,现在售价为320万好意思金。如有兴味,接待私信商议(微信号:GD-Karen)。

Armstrong and Pond Apple Cays come with freehold title and are currently priced at $3.2 million. If you're interested, feel free to contact us for more details (WeChat: GD-Karen).


Thank you for your time. Until next time!





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