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澳门六合彩 配偶寝息, 该不该在1张床上? “分床睡”的这个克己, 许多东谈主没念念到…

发布日期:2023-12-21 02:52    点击次数:78




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[2] Brandon Fuentes, Kathryn Kennedy, William Killgore, Chloe Wills, Michael Grandner, 0010 Bed Sharing Versus Sleeping Alone Associated with Sleep Health and Mental Health, Sleep, Volume 45, Issue Supplement_1, June 2022, Page A4,

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[5]Gunn澳门六合彩, H. E., Buysse, D. J., Hasler, B. P., Begley, A., & Troxel, W. M. (2015). Sleep concordance in couples is associated with relationship characteristics. SLEEP. 38:933–9

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